Could the Trump presidency be guaranteed for a second term despite all the odds? The Democrats are chomping at the bit, ready to take over the reins. They are rather confident that Trump will lose the 2020 presidential election and that they will finally be able to pick up from where Obama left off in 2016.
Their reasoning? The American people will vote Trump out because of his ‘less than favorable’ response to the coronavirus pandemic and the civil unrest currently spread across the nation. The Democrats are so confident of their victory they have decided to form a united front, standing behind a man who no longer has the physical strength or the stamina necessary to stand up to a man as aggressive as Trump. Could they be setting themselves up for failure?
I have known for the last three and a half years that a radical change was headed our way and that it would take place during the Trump Administration. It will bring about an end to the world as we know it!
How did I know this? Through many revelations as I sleep at night. See my most recent publication, The Joys of Heaven, Part 1: Faith For Change in America, as well as my numerous blogs. I have not kept any of this a secret. I have written freely and publicly for all to see and know.
I have seen the violence in the streets. I have seen the mass crowds, and I have also seen wars breaking out right here on American soil! So far, not many people have taken me seriously, yet, here we are today and all these prophecies are being fulfilled right in our midst!
Change is definitely here! Jesus revealed to me in a dream on October 8, 2017 that there were 1,020 more days to go before everything reaches a climax. This brings us to July 24, 2020. As far as I can see, everything is slowly falling into place and getting ready for that climactic day!
The night following this revelation from Jesus, that is, on October 9, 2017, in another dream, I saw Donald Trump’s rise to power. In this dream, he was running against another Caucasian man, and a dark skinned African American woman for the office of president.
I witnessed Donald Trump gliding effortlessly back and forth in the air as if with wings. When he landed in front of me, I noticed that he was wearing some kind of black rubber contraption from his feet up to his waist and held up by suspenders. He stepped out of it before addressing the crowd. Trump’s victory was clear as he addressed the large crowd of people gathered around him. He spoke into a loudspeaker that he was holding in his hand.
This dream came just under three years ago, a year after Trump was elected president of the United States of America. I wondered then whether this had to do with the next presidential election seeing that his victory for the 2016 election was already established.
Here we are, almost three years later, getting ready for the next presidential election and the Democratic nominee, a white male, is being pressured to choose a black female as his running mate. If he does choose an African American woman to be his vice president, then it is fair to say that the dream was indeed about the 2020 presidential election. And if so, Trump will have clear victory!
Another possible scenario is that the black woman in my dream represents a third party running for the office of president. This female African American candidate may well be the end product of the racial division in our country right now. The African Americans may decide that it is high time they represent themselves and their own interests by forming their own political party.
In my book, “The Joys of Heaven,” I posed the question, “If the world ‘as we know it’ will come to an end on July 24, 2020, just months before the next presidential election in November, how will this change impact the election?” I believe that we are about to find out. In less than 30 days, we will all behold this change and will have a very good idea of what its impact upon the next presidential election will be.