I have never had to live through a war before and if I had a personal choice, I would avoid them at all costs. You may ask why then is my fascination with wars? Why have I written about them in my new book, The Joys of Heaven, and why do I keep talking about them in my blogs and on my Facebook page? The answer is simple. God keeps showing them to me in my dreams and so, unpleasant and horrifying as they may be, I have no choice but to talk about them. God is showing me these wars for a reason. He is using me to communicate to you that war is imminent and that you will need to prepare yourself both mentally and spiritually for what is about to take place.
Are you familiar with the term, “Peacetime War?” I heard it for the first time in my dream last Tuesday night, that is, on November 21, 2017. In this dream, a group of men were driving everyone in our neighborhood out of our homes. This was a very frightening experience. I knew instinctively that what was happening to us was also happening all around the world and not just in our neighborhood. Someone standing nearby confirmed that this was true. Another person standing nearby said to me, “This is a Peacetime War.” When I looked up “Peacetime War” online the next day, it seemed to refer to crimes of terrorism in a country during a time the country is not at war.
Just today, November 28, 2017, I was made aware of an ISIS threat for this Christmas season against Times Square in New York, and towards Europe, specifically in the neighborhood of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, in London, England, towards the Vatican in Italy and possibly other places around the world. This reminds me of my dream above. Peacetime Wars refers to acts of terrorism and according to my dream, it will take place all around the world at the same time. For further details on this newest threat against America and other places around the world, visit the WND.com website and search for the article, “Christmas Threat Against Times Square in New ISIS Poster.”
What would the United States response to an ISIS attack on Time Square during the busiest shopping season of the year be? It could mean an all-out war! In one dream just a few months ago, I heard the loud sounds of war and knew intuitively that this country would break out in a war before the end of this year. Will it actually happen like this? I guess we’ll have to wait and see.
In my dream Friday night, that is, on November 24, 2017, I witnessed a live combat between two large groups of people. Each group was shooting at the other and I was worried that the bullets might hit me. Miraculously, I managed to go by without being hit.
Be careful as you go about this Christmas Holiday season. Watch and Pray! I know everyone would like to have a joyous and blessed Christmas but, the reality is that many of us may not even live to see tomorrow. The most important thing for any one of us to do is to seek God first, make sure our hearts are in tune with Him and then walk every day, moment by moment, seeking to live according to His will. That way, whether or not we live to see another day, we know that Heaven will be our home because Jesus Christ is our Lord.