My journey towards becoming a published author may not be unique but it is nonetheless, quite remarkable. Up until the time I started writing my first book, Beholding His Glory: A Journey Side by Side with Jesus, I had never once entertained the thought of ever becoming an author. The idea had never crossed my mind.
So, how did I get started? The seed was planted in Bible Study one Sunday morning during the Fall of 2014. The Bible Study leader asked, “Does Jesus hear and answer us when we pray?” To this I promptly responded, “Yes, He does!”
The next questions coming from a fellow believer, and directed at me, would forever change the course of my life. In that moment, the seed for writing was sown though I did not immediately recognize it. This brother turned to me, made eye contact then proceeded to make an observation followed by two very thought provoking questions. He said:
“It is easy for you to say yes, He does, because you have been through it a few times and came out all right. But, how do we advise someone who is just starting out that God will be with him and will answer his prayers? How can we tell him to trust that Jesus will be there with him as he goes through the trials and tribulations in life?”
I was so taken aback by these questions that I couldn’t even think of a response for him right then and there. His questions took me by surprise because by that point in my life I had seen Jesus in many dreams and were continually aware of His presence surrounding me. Jesus had become the central focus of my life. I was so in love with Him and so excited about Him that I had forgotten that it wasn’t always like that.
There was a time in my life when I neither felt the presence of God nor knew for sure that He hears or answers prayers. I felt no connection at all with Him even though I had been a Christian for many years. The problem was that even though I had given my life to Jesus since I was 15 years old, I never really had a personal relationship with Him. I really didn’t know Him at all.
I have always believed that there was a God and that He watches over us but I didn’t know that I could pray to Him and receive a direct answer to my prayer. I read my Bible often and tried to obey God’s command to live from sin but never experienced that two-way communication with Him before.
All of that changed sometime in 2011 when my husband became seriously ill and as a result gave up his part-time job. Not only were we dealing with his many illnesses but now we were also experiencing some real financial hardships. It brought me to my knees and I found myself praying and seeking God in a way that I never did before. The Bible tells us that if we seek God diligently with all our hearts, we will find Him. This was proven true a few months later, in November of that same year, when Jesus appeared to me in a dream. My life has never been the same since!
In this dream, I was walking along a country road when I saw Jesus standing in the clouds, big and tall and majestic! At first, I saw only two feet. Protruding from the top of each foot was a gigantic nail. As I watched, the clouds very slowly moved away to reveal Jesus standing there looking straight at me. He was wearing a long flowing white robe. His hair was dark, long and straight and was combed back from His face. He was also wearing a neatly trimmed beard. At the sight of Him, I knelt right there on the side of the road, lifted my hands in the air and shouted “Hallelujah! Thank you, Jesus!” over and over again.
Since this dream, I have developed a live and vibrant connection with Jesus, one that keeps me bubbling with excitement every day! Now, I don’t just simply seek God when times are hard. No! I eagerly seek to be in His presence all the day long, every day, in the good times and in the bad times. There is so much joy, peace and contentment within my soul! It keeps me singing and praising God continually. I live to sing His praises! He is so good to me!
As I reflected on these things throughout that day, I felt inspired to write them down. I wanted to be prepared the next time someone asks me those same questions.
Before going to bed that night, I sat at the computer and started to write down some of the amazing things that God had been doing in my life, describing how He is always present for me. The more I wrote, the more I was inspired to write some more. Words that I didn’t even know were inside of me started to flow out and before I knew it, I was writing a book! A year later, my first book was published!
An amazing thing happened to me one morning as I prepared to write. I was in the habit of getting up anywhere between 3:30 and 4:30 each morning and would write for a couple of hours before getting my daughter up for school.
I had gone to bed very late the night before and so had difficulty getting out of bed that morning. As I struggled to get up, a voice very clearly and very gently spoke my name. It said simply, “GWEN.” When I heard my name, I immediately bounced out of bed and without any further delay, headed straight upstairs and before long was sitting at my computer typing away.
I knew the voice did not come from my husband because he was sound asleep beside me. There was no one else in the house except for our daughter who was asleep in the room next to ours. She doesn’t call me by my first name anyway. To her, I am always Mommy. I believe that the voice I heard that morning was the voice of Jesus and that as He spoke my name, He gave me strength to accomplish the task set before me.
The amazing thing that I found out about writing is that it gives me so much joy to share on paper what God had been doing in my life. The passion that I felt burning in my bosom and the presence of the Holy Spirit hovering over me as I write can be compared to nothing else. My first book was entitled “Beholding His Glory” because it was almost as if I was continually gazing at Jesus with my spiritual eyes. I felt so mesmerized and so awed by Him!
After my first book was published, I felt myself longing to write again and to feel the fiery passion of the Holy Spirit burning within me as I write. One day as I took my customary walk during my break, I told God in prayer how much I missed writing and that I would love to continue writing. I told Him about the immense joy I felt as I sat in His presence and wrote as He inspired me.
Shortly after this, I was told by a stranger- a gentleman- in a dream that I had another three to four more books inside of me. I was very pleased to hear this because by then I had started writing again. I didn’t make the connection between my prayer that day and this dream until a few days ago. Be careful what you pray for because you might just get it! God does answer prayers!
Sometime later, I took a break from writing as I worked on marketing my new book. As a self- published author and an unknown, I had great difficulty inspiring many people to purchase a copy. My biggest supporter was City Harvest Ministries in Bridgeport. I will never forget their love and generosity or their warm welcome!
I spent a lot of time and money on advertising but it made very little impact. I even spent $5,000 on a Professional Social Media Publicist but by the end of the six-week publicity campaign, I had only sold one additional copy of this book. After a while I became so discouraged from the lack of sales that I lost my zeal to write. Forgetting that I was told that I had another three to four more books inside of me, I decided to quit writing altogether.
My attitude completely changed, however, when a few months later, in July 2016, Jesus spoke to me in a dream saying, “I have placed some books inside of you. You will need to vomit them up!” Following this dream, I quit worrying about the marketing of my book because I realized that God would take care of that part. I felt very confident then and even now, that God will open up doors to get these books into the hands of everyone for whom they were intended. If God placed these books inside of me and directed me to vomit them up, then I am very confident that He also has a plan for them, one that He intends to see through to completion.
With great joy therefore, and through prayer and meditation, I poured out The Joys of Heaven: Part 1: Faith for Change in America, and Part II: A Closer Walk with God. These books, published in July and August 2017, are available at numerous online bookstores. It was indeed a joy and a great privilege for me to be called upon by God to write these books.
These publications are just steps towards fulfilling a direct command from Jesus in a dream two years earlier. In this dream in February 2015, Jesus appeared to my daughter and me. He burst through our front door moving at the speed of lightning! Without pausing, He placed before each of us two crystal-clear cylinder glasses of water. As He did that, He said to us with great urgency in His voice, “Quick! We need to get these to everyone in order for them to be caught up in the Rapture!”
I could sense the urgency of the situation by the speed at which He moved and the urgency in His voice when He spoke. As He vanished just as suddenly as He had appeared, I started to pour one glass of water into a larger container but my daughter exclaimed in alarm, “Mommy, don’t do that! You have to drink it! Jesus said we have to drink it!” Did you get the message? In order for us to be caught up in the rapture, we will all need to drink of this Living Water!
These books are just one of the many channels through which God is communicating with us today. He is eagerly seeking to enlighten everyone everywhere concerning the perilous times that we are living in and to help us all get ready to meet Him in the air. Any day now, the people of God will be going home! We will say goodbye to this old world forever as we are caught up and away to meet Jesus in the air and to be with Him throughout all eternity!
The prophet, Daniel, prophesied about a deceitfully cunning and dominant One-World leader who will come to power at the time of the End, during the Tribulation period. Jesus revealed to me in a dream in March 2016 that the Antichrist is already here. He was born of the heathen for this purpose and will walk right into his destiny. It will be a self-discovery on his part.
The identity of the Antichrist was also revealed to me in a dream in early June 2017. I know this will not be well received by many individuals and that many others will hate me because of it. Nonetheless, I have a duty to share with the general public what God has revealed to me in these dreams. In this dream, I made the shocking announcement that President Donald Trump is the Antichrist! I was in shock for the next several days following this. You are under no obligation to receive this as truth but I firmly believe that it was a revelation from the Holy Spirit. I started making the announcement in my dream and completed it as I woke up. It was entirely outside of my own conscious thoughts!
On September 20, 2016, I received the following timeline in a dream. “Three More Years before the end of the world as we know it!” I had assumed that the three-year countdown would begin on the night of the dream but two and a half months after my new books were published, Jesus said to me as we walked together along a lonely road, “1,020 days to go.” This made me realize that the three-year countdown began on July 26, 2017, five days after The Joys of Heaven part one was published. July 24, 2020 will mark the end of the world as we know it and, I believe, the beginning of the most perilous time that mankind will ever see upon the face of this earth! Mark this date on your calendar and get ready to meet King Jesus! Watch and pray! The rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ could take place at any moment, even before you breathe your next breath!