You may be asking yourself the questions, “Why should I read The Joys of Heaven? What is in it for me?” The answer is very simple. The Joys of Heaven: Part 1: Faith For Change in America, and Part II: A Closer Walk with God, were given to me by God in a dream. In this dream in July 2016, the voice of Jesus came to me saying, “I have placed some books inside of you. You will need to…..
Three years ago, that is, in February 2015, in one of my dreams, Jesus appeared to my daughter and me. He moved at the speed of lightning and was in and out of our presence in a flash. He gave to each of us two crystal clear cylinder glasses of water along with the urgent command, “Quick! We need to get these to everyone in order for them to be caught up in the rapture!” This water is essentially the…..
In a conversation with Jesus in a dream just before I woke up on the morning of October 8, 2017, He said to me as we walked together along a lonely road, “1,020 days to go.” I understood then that this was in relation to a book which I had already published. This dream came just under two and a half months after the publishing of my new two-book series, “The Joys of Heaven.” Since The Joys of Heaven: Part 1: Every…..
Gwendolyn Cotterell-Eidukonis was born in April 1964 in Jamaica, West Indies. Her parents, both farmers, lived in the country on a small farmland in a little village called Peace River. Gwendolyn is from a very large family and is the seventh of twelve children. Following her graduation from Bellefield Secondary School, Gwendolyn went to work at a local chocolate manufacturing company as accountant assistant. While there she attended West Indies College part-time and received an associate degree in business administration…..
Every so often I encounter someone who doubts the authenticity of the Bible. They claim that because it was written by man, it is prone to mistakes. Many others dismissed it saying that it was written thousands of years ago and does not apply to us today. However, I can testify to one and all that the Bible is true, that it is the inspired Word of God, that it applies to us today and that its stories will never…..
How does one even begin to come to terms with the catastrophic flooding and the awful aftermath caused by Hurricane Harvey down in Houston and surrounding neighborhoods in Texas this past week? This flooding of biblical proportion is unprecedented in Texas and historic within all of the United States. No one expected this to happen here, ever! Rainfalls accumulations of more than 50 inches submerging countless homes and businesses, water running like rivers in the city streets and freeways with…..
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who…..
Over the last few years, my daughter and I have had many revelatory visions concerning End Times. In my night visions, I have seen the following: War planes flying overhead and soldiers in red coats spying out the land. Chemical warfare: A light green chemical engulfing the air and paralyzing individuals. America under siege by a large army of men dressed from head to toe in black and carrying big long black guns. When I first saw them, they were…..
I bet this headline has caught your attention! It grabbed mine the very first time I heard it in my vision on the night of 9/20/16. In this vision, I was in a public place with lots of people walking about in the evening twilight when a man with a microphone caught my attention. I heard him make the following announcement, “THREE MORE YEARS BEFORE THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT!” It was a rather sobering moment. The…..
The gifts of the Holy Spirit are amazingly spectacular and greatly to be desired. However, as the apostle Paul hastened to point out, without love, these gifts, awesome as they may be, are profitable for nothing. “Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all…..