Many times over the years we mournfully asked each other these questions in song, “Were you there when they crucified my Lord? Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?”
Of course no one expects a response. We were simply sorrowing deeply over the crucifixion of our Lord but, today, I have a bold response for you.
No. I was not there when they crucified our Lord! I was not there when they nailed Him to the tree. I have no doubt however that He bore our sins upon Himself that fateful day and that He died in our place upon the cross.
I wasn’t there when it all happened but I believe it! Furthermore, God has shown me, in dreams, much of what took place on that fateful Passover, all of which I have shared in my books!
I saw the gigantic nails protruding from the top of Jesus’ feet, one from each foot! I saw the risen Jesus with His nail-pierced hands all aglow! I saw our Lord hanging upon that cursed old rugged cross, and I saw the blood oozing from His wounds!
When I saw Jesus hanging from the tree, I felt drawn for a closer look and so took a few steps forward. As I did that, we made eye contact. I stood spell-bound as I gazed at Him! It was then that I saw the tender love and compassion, mingled with pain and agony in His eyes!
As I held His gaze, He silently pleaded with me to go tell all the world what I had seen and what He did for us. I will never forget the emotions that were so clearly mirrored in His eyes or the image of Him hanging from the cross!
If you are one of the many people today who doubt that Jesus is our Messiah and that He died to free us from the bondage of sin, I implore you, stop doubting! Jesus taught, “Blessed are those who have not seen yet believe!”
The Bible is true! Jesus is the Savior of the world! He died for the Jews and Gentiles alike! The love that led Him to die in our place is by far more powerful than anything that I could have ever imagined! It has forever transformed my life!
What about you? Has your heart been transformed by Jesus’ love? If not, I urge you, my friend, to allow His love to transform you today. It will forever set you free and immediately improve your outlook on life!
Just believe the Good News of salvation and receive it by faith. For, as the Apostle Paul told us in the book of Romans chapter 10:10, “It is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
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