For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart (Jeremiah 29: 11-13 NKJV).
Have you ever woken up from a dream or vision and knew that what you saw was a glimpse of future events and that someday, it will be fulfilled? Well, I have. Several times actually. I have had many dreams of great and wonderful things happening in my life. I have seen many miraculous things take place but will not go into details about them right now. I have had dreams of success and abundance. I have had dreams where I saw myself street evangelizing. I have seen myself in a public place telling everyone as they go by to get themselves ready for the rapture because Jesus could return at any moment and that the most important decision they could ever make for themselves is to give their hearts to Jesus. I have seen a great crowd of people following behind Jesus and me as we walk side by side across a green meadow. I have seen myself standing before great crowds of people and I have seen and heard many magnify God as I begin to pray with them. I have seen all of these things and more in my night visions.
When exactly will all these things come to pass? I don’t know. I am waiting patiently on God for the right season. As I wait, I will continue to share with everyone who will listen what God has been doing in my life, and shine the light of Christ as brightly as I can for them to see so they may be led to glorify God.
I pray that many will come to know Jesus through my book, Beholding His Glory. It tells of the glory of Jesus and details many of the visions of Him that I have had over the last several years. It tells of the power of Jesus’ shed blood upon the cross and its life-changing effect upon my life, and details many of my triumphs over the storms of life through faith in Jesus. Beholding His Glory is now available on numerous online bookstores and on my website.
When the time is right, God will bring all these things to pass. My duty is to faithfully and obediently sow the seeds of God’s words and show love and kindness to all. God is faithful to water these seeds and to cause them to grow in the hearts of those who hear and receive them.
God’s thoughts toward us are continually thoughts of peace, to give us great hope and a future that we can look forward to. In showing me these visions, He has expanded my horizons, greatly increased my faith and caused me to hope to someday see the fruit of my labor. He said that if we abide in Him and His words abide in us, we will bear much fruit and that our fruits will remain. In my own strength, I can do absolutely nothing but I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
Recently, on 8/7/16, as I slept in my bed that night, I had three great visions. In the first vision, I saw Jesus stretched out upon the cross looking all bruised, bloody and sorrowful. He looked straight at me and our eyes met as I gazed back at Him. I felt drawn to Him for a closer look so I got up from where I was seated, took a few steps forward and then, with the camera on my phone, I took a picture of Him as He hung there on the cross. In my mind, I felt the need to capture the look of Him upon the cross and to carry it with me forever. As the vision of Jesus upon the cross faded away, I felt an extremely warm heat blowing on the palm of my right hand. I woke up with this heat still in my right palm and even today, it is still there. I believe that Jesus blew His warm breath on my hand to empower me to do the work that He has called me to do.
In the second dream that night, Jesus revealed to me that He is coming soon and impressed upon me my duty to share this knowledge with others in order to help them prepare for His return. I don’t know when His return will be but it could be sooner than we think. In the Bible, Jesus told us all to watch and be ready because He will come at a time when we least expect Him, like a thief in the night. Take heed therefore and prepare yourselves and your loved ones for the great meeting in the air when the dead in Christ and those who are alive and remain faithful will be caught up together to meet Jesus in the air and to be with Him for all of eternity.
In the third dream that night, I was walking along a road asking everyone I met whether they knew Jesus and asking for their permission to pray with them. Everyone I spoke to along the road readily accepted Jesus and allowed me to pray with them. In one case, I spoke to a group of four and all of them readily agreed to have me pray with them. I then walked into a building in which there were about five individuals. I started to tell them about Jesus and invited them to pray with me. I started praying with them and the next thing I knew, the building was filled with a large crowd of people. They were all standing, many of them were speaking in unknown languages and all, including me, were magnifying the name of Jesus. My daughter Ashley was also there. I don’t know how or when she got there because she was not with me initially. When I noticed her standing there beside me, I asked her to capture everything with the video on her cell phone because I didn’t want to forget that moment.
I believe that this third vision, along with others I have had, are prophetic in nature and will be fulfilled at the time appointed. In the meanwhile I am praying that God will help me to become more like the version of me that I saw walking down the street, evangelizing to everyone she meets. This version of me was bold, fearless and purposeful. She did not hesitate as she approached the individuals she witnessed to. She had a mission and she pursued it with a single-minded devotion. She did not look to the right or to the left. She knew where she was going and with great confidence she walked intentionally in that direction, and with very little effort on her part, convinced each person she met along the way to pray with her to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. She was most definitely being led by the Holy Spirit. There is no other way to explain such quiet confidence or the huge crowd of people magnifying God towards the end of the vision.
What about you? Are you also waiting for the right season? As you wait, just know that God is faithful to fulfill all His promises to you. Trust Him with all your heart and worship Him only. Delight in Him daily and He will bring these things to pass at the appointed time.