My journey towards becoming a published author may not be unique but it is nonetheless, quite remarkable. Up until the time I started writing my first book, Beholding His Glory: A Journey Side by Side with Jesus, I had never once entertained the thought of ever becoming an author. The idea had never crossed my mind. So, how did I get started? The seed was planted in Bible Study one Sunday morning during the Fall of 2014. The Bible Study…..
In a conversation with Jesus in a dream just before I woke up on the morning of October 8, 2017, He said to me as we walked together along a lonely road, “1,020 days to go.” I understood then that this was in relation to a book which I had already published. This dream came just under two and a half months after the publishing of my new two-book series, “The Joys of Heaven.” Since The Joys of Heaven: Part 1: Every…..